As I was about to take a photo of the Monona Terrace Convention Center, I noticed another photographer in the distance, reaching high to get the shot he wanted. I couldn’t resist zooming in and capturing him in that pose.
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A big question
Unfortunately, I have no big answers. 😉
From the downtown branch of the Madison Public Library.
Hairy woodpecker
Snow for sale
The eye of an oak
The mighty Saturn V
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. That was the first major news event that I can remember experiencing as it happened. I was almost 8 years old. I vividly recall watching that grainy video of Neil Armstrong taking those first steps off the LEM. What wonderful fuel for a child’s imagination!
To commemorate this anniversary, I built a Lego NASA Apollo Saturn V kit. 1969 pieces in 12 bags. I decided to build one bag a day, and document my progress. All the photos below were taken after each bag was complete.
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