Monthly Archives: May 2008

Flowers for Mom

We had the committal service for my mother, Allegra Bloy, today. One of the most vivid memories I have of my grandmother’s funeral, was when Mom put a flower into her mother’s grave. At the end of today’s ceremony all of us put a flower into the grave where the urn that holds her ashes rests. The beauty of flowers was something that Mom enjoyed very much. She would often write a comment here on the blog when I posted flower pictures.

So in honor of Mom, here are some shots of flowers I took recently.


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April by Sun Kil Moon

On the first few listens of April, by Sun Kil Moon it’s the hooks (guitar riffs, chorus) that suck you in. Further listening uncovers the multiple layers beneath: the rich textured walls of sound, the expressive lyrics of loneliness, longing and memories of love. As each layer reveals itself and you become more familiar with the song, you move ever closer into the mind of the artists, feeling the depth of their emotions.

The opening track, “Lost Verses” sets the tone. It begins with a lone acoustic guitar accompanying the voice of singer Mark Kozelek. As it continues, instruments are added until the end of the song (a 90 second instrumental coda) has a wonderfully layered, full structure of sound.

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Kathleen Edwards and band amazing

Last night I went to one of the best concerts I’ve been to in years, when I saw Kathleen Edwards and her band put on an amazing show at Madison’s beautiful Majestic Theatre.

The concert began on a somber tone, with Kathleen playing the haunting “Alicia Ross” “Mercury” (from her debut album). She started by herself, accompanied only by her acoustic guitar. As it continued the other band members gradually chimed in, until all five musicians were playing in full force. By the end of the song I knew I was going to be in for a real treat. Just as that thought was in my head, the band confirmed my instinct and launched into the rousing and jangly, “In State,” a song from my favorite Kathleen Edwards album, Back to Me.

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