It’s time to give this website a new look.
This design is based on the paint scheme of the diesel engines and cars of the Chicago & North Western Railway’s 400 passenger service. I’ve always loved that paint scheme, and decided to incorporate it here on my site.
On the coding side, I developed the design based on the WordPress theme, Twenty Thirteen. It is fully responsive and will display well on ANY device.
For more information on the Chicago & North Western Railway, and it’s 400 service, I recommend:
- The 400 Story, an excellent book by Jim Scribbins
- Chicago & North Western, Route of the 400, from
- Chicago & North Western Historical Society
Now… who can help me travel back in time so I can ride these wonderful trains?
Lookin’ good!
I remember with delight the “400 ” – part of my lifetime. Great train! Couldn’t help noticing the similarity between the yellow dandelion and the yellow 400. Great colors.
Good photos.