Northern lights through the camera

Display of aurora borealis above a tree line in silhouette. In the sky are shades of green, with some brushes of yellow and orange. Two red pillars of light are also seen.

This week southern Wisconsin was treated to two nights of aurora borealis. I missed Monday night’s show, so I was determined to get out there last night during the predicted solar storm.

An aurora display of green, purple, and red, in the sky next to a tree in silhouette.

I was grateful to have my camera along — it picks up so much more color than the human eye is able to, which was especially true of last night’s display.

Multi-colored aurora display above a line of trees.

A large band of green light reaches across the horizon as vivid red pillars of light rise up on one side.

The last image below, is a better representation of what I actually saw at at Token Creek County Park last night. Mostly instances of muted green aurora visible. Once in a while I could see some faded glimpses of red.

Muted green colors in a section of night sky above a line of trees in silhouette. A patch of red color is barely visible on one side of the sky.

2 comments on “Northern lights through the camera

  1. Thanks Chris! That’s awesome you two were able to see them! From what I’ve heard it peaked around here between 9-9:30pm, and was much more visible then. I ended up heading out just after that (since it’s usually the strongest around midnight), which is why I was so glad to have my camera with me.

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